#AdultingAdventures: I Want…(A Lament)

I don’t really have words today. I’ve been trying to come up with something to say since Monday, and now in light of recent news all my creativity seems to have gone off to some far off land where I can’t follow.

I want to be an adult who has the confidence, stability, and safety to live out my life fully myself expressing all the parts of me, and I want that for everyone, and I want every kid ever born to be able to live that out too.

I don’t want there to be fear tied up to living in my skin as my gender.

I want a world that believes that each and every one of us was created in the image of God.

I want us all to have opportunity to succeed and thrive and live as long as we’re able to not have our lives ripped out from beneath our feet.

I want to live in a world where living your life or partaking in petty crimes doesn’t get you murdered.

I don’t want every conversation about feminism, privilege, and Black Lives Matter, to be prefaced with we need to hear men’s voices, I’ve had hardship too, and All Lives Matter.

Like Jesus I want to focus on the the “alienated, the mistreated, and those facing injustice.”

I want to live in a world where we live free and grow up and continue to become all of who we are.


